Mount and blade warband key to fighting multiple enemies
Mount and blade warband key to fighting multiple enemies

mount and blade warband key to fighting multiple enemies

When your shield is broken and all you have with you is a melee weapon, and you see a knight about to lance your face, you can chamber block even a couched lance! Normally, couched lances are completely unblockable without a shield, but sometimes you can chamber block a lance. This is particularly useful against Vaegir Guards and Nord Huscarls since they are likely to wield 2-handed axes. During this time, you can turn back, speed up again, and hit them with your weapon. If you charge towards them and then slow down and turn your horse away, they will swing their weapon and miss. When you are fighting enemies that have longer weapons (2-handed axe or voulge etc.), you may notice that it is harder to get in to attack them without getting hit. Enemy AI is not smart enough to do this so you can beat most horsemen using this tactic. In order for them to both shoot, they must path parallel to one another. It is similar to battleships which can only shoot sideways. You can then kill them and/or their horse, as you can swing and they can't. Since horsemen (including yourself) can only really attack from their sides (unless you use a spear or a lance), you can beat other horsemen by slowing down and turning, cutting them off so they can't hit you. Being surrounded is almost certainly fatal, and can end a battle prematurely. When fighting larger groups of enemies on foot, you can walk backwards while you swing your weapon to prevent the enemies from surrounding you. When enemies approach, you can take them out one-by-one, maximizing your damage if surrounded. On top of that, due to the 3rd-person view, you can still see around a tree or over a rock. You won't be able to get hit by projectiles and horsemen won't be able to hit you very easily if at all. However, once a horse takes a hit, it will run off, leaving you unprotected. When on foot, cover (rocks, trees, a horse, etc.) can save your life.

mount and blade warband key to fighting multiple enemies

Horse archery can be one of the best strategies because if used correctly, you will almost never die. This is why a lance can be considered the best type of weapon, as it is an instant kill if used properly on horseback. Weapons with longer reach have an advantage over opponents as you can strike them before they can do the same to you. This will prevent you from stopping which leaves you vulnerable to lances, projectiles, and being surrounded.

mount and blade warband key to fighting multiple enemies

If you see that you are about to ram into another horse, or even a smaller rock, you can jump over most of them to avoid stopping. Jumping can get you out of a lot of sticky situations - especially when you are on a horse. Your horse is likely to be hit several times, even if you dodge perfectly. It should be noted that in With Fire & Sword bullets fly too fast to effectively dodge at longer ranges, but they lack the accuracy for this to be a great problem. It can be useful for you and your army to circle Nord armies until they waste all of their Javelins and Throwing Axes. If you are moving at least somewhat perpendicular to them, they will miss nearly every shot. Even if you aren't using a one-handed sword or polearm to use the shield, the shield protects your back.Įnemies with projectiles, rather than leading their target, always aim directly at you. A good tactic to use is to keep a shield in your inventory at all times. Note that if on a horse, blocking does not prevent enemies from hitting your horse. Blocking is a good way for you to prevent being "Lancesassinated" by enemy cavalry, due to the fact that their lance would bounce harmlessly off your shield or be blocked by your melee weapon. A shield is best for blocking, due to its omni-directional block and its ability to block projectiles, but it shatters after enough hits and enemy archers can sometimes shoot above or below your shield (depending on its size) and hit you, and some shields are vulnerable to penetration from weapons such as crossbows. If you have a shield, you can also block projectiles. This one is obvious, blocking prevents a melee weapon from hitting you. Besides the obvious of wearing really good armor, there are many things you can do to prevent yourself from being defeated. You must keep yourself alive during fights.

Mount and blade warband key to fighting multiple enemies